Maryborough Golf Club
The 18 hole course is set midst a picturesque scene of gums, wattles and other native plants.
Nomination forms and Application for change of category forms are available from the office or from the notice board area in the Golfers foyer. We are also happy to post, fax or email any information you require.
The Maryborough Golf Club Golfing Memberships
For Season 2024/2025 (July 1st 2024 – June 30th 2025)
- Enjoy full use of all Golf, Bowls and Clubhouse facilities.
- You have voting rights and may play in all competition golf events and receive members discounts.
- Enjoy all the benefits a full membership offers.
- Proof of Pension card is required to be eligible for this category.
- Enjoy full non competition playing rights, members discounts and benefits.
- Can be used to obtain a handicap.
- Enjoy competition golf at members rates, plus the use of golf and bowls facilities on non-competition days.
- Daylight Savings Members are not eligible to play in club trophy events pertaining to honor boards.
- Is ideal for those living more than 70kms from the Club.
- This category entitles you to play in board & lead up to board events.
- A Country 120km membership ($140.00) is also available, but does not have the same entitlements.
- Is available for people between 16 & 20 years of age.
- Under 16 competition $60.00.
- Under 16 non-competition memberships are free.
- Enjoy the Clubhouse facilities, receive discounts on meals, beverages, golf and bowls and earn points that you can redeem for meals and beverages. /br
Maryborough Bowls Club
Our members offer a friendly welcome to both new and experienced bowlers.
The Maryborough Golf Club Bowling Memberships
For Season 2024/2025 (July 1st 2024 – June 30th 2025)
- Enjoy use of all Lawn Bowls and Clubhouse facilities.
- You have voting rites and may play all pennant competitions.
- Are available for those aged from 16 to 20 years.
- Under 16 competition membership $60.00.
- Under 16 non-competition memberships are free.
- Enjoy the Clubhouse facilities, receive discounts on meals, beverages, golf and bowls and earn points that you can redeem for meals and beverages.