Maryborough Golf Club Golf Results.

Men – 4BBB Par – 36 players.

George Veitch Trophy.

Sponsored by Simon Sheed.


Competition Winners … Ray Wissell (15) & Denis Uren (26) – 8 up.

Competition Runners Up … James Cameron (21) & Mark Brown (21) – 5 up.


Nearest The Pins…. 8th Geoff Newell (Maffescioni Travel Services), 9th – Alan McIvor, 11th – Bernard Tippins, & 13thBrett Chaplin.


Ball Winners…

4 up – Ray Wissell & Peter Smits, Keith Fankhauser & Brett Chaplin, Alan McIvor & Mick Cameron and John Potter & Brian Dawson.


No Women’s  Competition.

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